Possibility of Students involvement in European Solidarity Corps Program by GAIA Kosovo

Possibility of Students involvement in European Solidarity Corps Program by GAIA Kosovo

Dear students,
You are invited to participate in the info session organized by GAIA Kosovo that will take place on October 13th 2023 starting from 11:30 at the B1 classroom, Faculty of Business.

European Solidarity Corps is a program of European Commission that offers opportunities for young people (18-30 years old) to join volunteering projects.

The general objective of the Program is to enhance the engagement of young people and organizations in solidarity activities, primarily through volunteering, as a means to strengthen cohesion, solidarity, democracy, European identity and active citizenship in the Europe and beyond. The programmer’s ambition is to be more inclusive, greener and digital, as it is following the needs of society.

The program finances the volunteer’s engagement from 2 weeks up to 1 year.

There are different possibilities of engagement, including group projects or individual projects. Young people interested in volunteering can find project suitable for them, as the project topics vary and can be selected depending on the interest (from environment, working with children or elderly, art, human rights, peace, health, working with vulnerable groups, etc.).
More information can be found: Click here

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