Deputy Minister of MESTI, Dr. Dukagjin Pupovci visits “Haxhi Zeka” University

Deputy Minister of MESTI, Dr. Dukagjin Pupovci visits “Haxhi Zeka” University

The Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation visited “Haxhi Zeka” university. He was welcomed by the head of GC of UHZ, Mrs. Majlinda Belegu, member of the GC of UHZ, Mrs. Emine Avdyli, the rector of UHZ, prof. dr. Armand Krasniqi, the vice-rector for international cooperation and quality assurance, prof. dr. Edmond Beqiri, the acting general secretary, Mrs. Tirana Hasani and the coordinator for international cooperation prof.ass.dr. Alma Shehu Lokaj.

During the meeting, the rector Krasniqi informed the deputy minister on the achievements, problems and development opportunities of the “Haxhi Zeka” university through its comprehensive profiling. Vice-rector Beqiri made a short presentation on internationalization and quality improvement in UHZ, emphasizing the potentials of UHZ in relation to these priority areas of higher education.

Deputy Minister Pupovci together with the management of UHZ held a meeting with the deans of the academic units of UHZ, who presented the necessities of  relevant academic units for the progress of the academic processes.

Deputy Minister Pupovci briefly presented the strategic areas of MESTI: Raising the quality of education; Improving governance in HEIs; Financing higher education based on performance contracts and Internationalization. During the meeting the Deputy Minister congratulated Rector Krasniqi for his work and commitment on the profiling of study programs, enhancing the development of programs that are required by the market and that serve the country and beyond. Also, Mr. Pupovci restated the support of MESTI for further development of UHZ.

At the end of his visit, the Deputy Minister Pupovci visited construction site of the faculty of arts, whose works are expected to be finalized for the beginning of the new academic year 2023.

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