<strong>Academic Staff Citation Index Number</strong>

Academic Staff Citation Index Number

Citation index numbers provide a way to measure impact beyond raw citation counts. Index numbers can be calculated for individual articles, a group/list of publications, or even all the articles published in a journal or field (source). Moreover, a citation is a reference to a source.

One of the best known index measurement is the h-index. It represents an author-level metric that measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications.

Alternatives to the h-index include is i10-index which measures the number of papers that have at least 10 citations.

Considering this, the academic staff of “Haxhi Zeka” University is dedicated in increasing individual and institutional performance by publishing qualitative scientific papers. Since 2018 Citation index number of academic staff is as follows:

Chart 1. Number of academic staff citations

Chart 2. Average h-index for each academic unit


Scientific Research Coordinator

Prof.ass.dr. Suada Ajdarpašić

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