September 27 or World Tourism Day

September 27 or World Tourism Day

The Faculty of Management in Tourism, Hospitality and Environment, on 28.09.2020 has organized an online conference “COVID-19: Challenges and perspectives for the future in the Tourism Industry” to mark World Tourism Day and the anniversary of the adoption of the Statute of World Tourism. The conference aimed to discuss issues related to tourism in general, especially the conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Participants in this conference were the Vice Rector for Budget, Finance and Infrastructure, Prof.Dr. Afrim Selimaj, Dean of the Faculty of MTHE, Prof.Assoc.Dr. Adem Dreshaj, Dean of the Faculty of Agribusiness Prof. Assoc. Dr. Nexhdet Shala, Dean of the Faculty of Law Prof. Assoc. Dr. Baki Koleci, Prof. Mirela Tase, Mr. Baki Hoti from the tourism association, representatives from the Tourism Sector in the Municipality of Peja and students. In conclusion, it was agreed that in the future there will have greater cooperation between the public and private sector, to enable internships for students in businesses that promote local tourism.

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