In UHZ is organized the International Scientific Conference: “New Achievement in Science, Technology, and Art”

In UHZ is organized the International Scientific Conference: “New Achievement in Science, Technology, and Art”

In the premises of “Haxhi Zeka” University took place the first day of the International Scientific Conference: “New Achievement in Science, Technology, and Art”’. This conference was organized within the framework of the project “Enhancing Research Culture in Higher Education in Kosovo”, supported by Erasmus+, with funds from European Union. This conference is co-organized with a number of local and international universities and higher education institutions.

The conference was opened by the rector of “Haxhi Zeka” University, prof. dr. Armand Krasniqi. In his speech, prof. Krasniqi welcomed all the participants and mentioned the fact that the management of the university will always support activities that promote the science and research.

The conference chair, prof. Alma Shehu said that this a unique opportunity for scientists from the different European countries to present their last scientific research, to share their experience and discuss with colleagues the latest research in different fields, from education & training to medical and health sciences.

Afterwards, she mentioned that the Organizing Committee was surprised with the high number of the scholars participating in the first edition of the conference.

The “Research Cult” Project coordinator, Mr. Bujar Gallopeni, underlined the importance of the conference and the fact that this activity is going to be held under the umbrella of the “Research Cult” Project.

He expressed the hope that this year’s conference will be followed by other conferences, organized from other HEIs in Kosovo.

“Next year, one other Kosovo university will be hosting the conference: Mr. Gallopeni said.

Key speakers at this conference were dr. Rifat Latifi, Minister of Health, prof. Curtis R. Youngs, Mr. Krzystof Szymanski, from the School of Economics in Warsaw, as well as Mrs. Mihone kerolli-Mustafa from the International Business College in Mitrovica, member of the National Research Council.

The conference was organized in eight scientific thematic sessions. On the second day the participants will take part in a social event in the Rugova Valley.

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