UHZ met to Discuss US Embassy University Support Grants Program

UHZ met to Discuss US Embassy University Support Grants Program

UHZ Meeting Highlights: Discussing the US Embassy University Support Grants Program

Representatives from Haxhi Zeka University met with representatives from Kosovo United States Alumni (KUSA) on 22 September 2023 to discuss the University Support Grants Program. The program provides funding for higher education institutions in Kosovo to support their further development. This year, the program is offering $270.000 and a maximum of $50,000 per project to support HEIs in addressing social and economic development challenges through research, development, and additional services to support faculty and students.

The meeting was an opportunity for the two parties to learn more about the program and how it can be used to support Haxhi Zeka University’s mission and goals. Representatives from Kosovo United States Alumni (KUSA) shared information about the program’s objectives and eligibility criteria. They also discussed potential projects that Haxhi Zeka University could apply for.

The representatives from Haxhi Zeka University expressed their gratitude for the US Embassy’s and KUSA’s support of higher education in Kosovo. They also said their commitment to using the grant program to further develop the university and its programs.

academic staff in a online meeting with KUSA

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