
Visit of researchers from the Research Institute Nibio at Haxhi Zeka University 

Representatives of the NIBIO Research Institute, respectively from the Department for Economy and Society, which operates under the patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Norway, visited the University Haxhi Zeka. Present at the meeting was also the political advisor of the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Arian Bugari.

The main purpose of the meeting is to create a network of researchers as well as to strengthen academic cooperation between Haxhi Zeka university and the research institute Nibio. 

Dr. Birger Vennesland – Head of the Department for Economy and Society presented the research work and activity of the institute and at the meeting presented the work and research achievements of the Agro Business Faculty at UHZ. 

On the meeting were discussed the possibilities of cooperation between the two institutions in the field of scientific research, joint projects and the possibility of mobility of students and academic staff.

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