
Consultancy service

Pejë, 22.03.2021

Tutorial and Peer to Peer System
The purpose of this document is to provide you with an overview of personal tutoring arrangements at Haxhi Zeka University.
Benefits of personal tutorial system
By working in partnership with your personal tutor and teaching staff, you will have the opportunity to support:
• Become a very confident leader and play an active role in your academic community;
• Reflect on your academic progress and your effect on academic feedback;
• Develop the range of skills and qualities needed to succeed at university and beyond.
More details on all aspects of personal tutoring, as well as other sources of support at the University, can be found below.
As a university student, you will have a large number of appointments with your personal tutor, along with a large number of group, during the completion period of your course.

One-on-one meetings:
First year:

Each student will be given an appointment at the welcome letter and will have the opportunity to see his/ her personal tutor. This meeting is mandatory for students and will last about 15 minutes; its purpose will be to confirm attendance and ensure that students are enrolled and to be like an introductory meeting.
First-year students will have additional one-on-one meetings with their personal tutor, in the second semester: this meeting will be pre-arranged by the Student Support Office and is mandatory for all students. The purpose of the meeting will be to reflect on and discuss overall progress (including a review of exam results and exam evaluation results), and to put in place other support mechanisms when needed. After the meeting, students will be asked to make a brief note of the meeting.

Second year:
Students will meet one-on-one with their personal tutor, at the beginning of the first semester, in order to confirm their participation, seek guidance in choosing electives, and review academic progress. This meeting is mandatory for all students and lasts about 10-15 minutes. A letter with all the details of the meeting will be posted on the door of the professor’s office. Students are required to confirm attendance for an appointment, as follows: (i) those with progress problems (through failed or missed exams or those who have returned again after dropping out of school) should meet with their personal tutors during the week of welcome. The Student Support Office will notify these students in advance through the website in order to notify them of an earlier appointment; (ii) All other students must meet with their personal tutors by the end of October.
At the beginning of the second semester, all students will be notified via the website of the Office of Student Support: they will be invited to contact their personal tutors, to discuss in a face-to-face meeting -in the face of any questions which have arisen from their performance or any other matter which relates to their studies. Students who are experiencing problems with their academic progress (e.g., through their failed or missed assessments) will be contacted separately by the SSO and asked to sign the signature sheet for an appointment with their personal tutor. This meeting is mandatory and will aim to put on the right track those mechanisms that need support.

Third and fourth year:
Students will be invited to sign up for a meeting with their personal tutors at the beginning of the first semester in order to confirm attendance, as well as to discuss progress and other issues. This meeting is mandatory for all students and will last about 10/15 minutes. A sheet which sets out all the details of the meetings will be posted on the door of the professor’s office. Students are required to sign up for an appointment, as follows: (i) those with progress issues (through failed or missed exams, or who have returned after dropping out of school) should see their personal tutors during the week of welcome. The Student Support Office will contact these students in advance to remind them of the previous appointment; (ii) All other students must meet with their personal tutors by the end of October.
At the beginning of the second semester, all students will be notified through the Student Support Office website: they will be invited to contact their personal tutors to discuss in a face-to-face meeting any questions that arise from the performance there to date or any other issue related to their studies. Students who have problems with their academic progress will be contacted separately by the SSO and will be required to sign up for an appointment via the signature sheet for an appointment at an office of personal tutors. On the eve of the meetings, students will send a brief statement about their work so that it can form the basis for discussing student needs and for advancing and improving plans for the future.
In addition to certain appointments, students can request an appointment with their personal tutor at any time during the academic year, using e-mail.

Group Meetings:
Dates and venues for all group meetings will be announced in the welcome week.
First year:
First year students will have three group meetings during the academic year, as you can see below:
• Semester 1, around week 7: a group meeting (lasting one hour) on taking and strengthening exam skills in subjects in which students have the most setbacks.
• Semester 1, around the 11th week: a group meeting organized by personal tutors (lasts about 45 minutes) to discuss the questions that arise from the lecture session from the stalled subjects.
• Semester 2, around the 9th week: a year-round (one hour) group meeting addressing the challenges of a review of problems and setbacks.
Second and third year students will participate in a minimum of three group meetings throughout the academic year, the focus of these meetings will change according to the program in which students are enrolled and the ratio of achievement of results in exams. The same pattern of meetings will continue in the next two or three years of study, only the focus of the meeting is different.

Peer to Peer System:
Peer support activities are also available to every student at the university. We will encourage students to get involved in this, as it is a good way to engage with other students.
Each year the first year UHZ students are automatically assigned to a Peer group which meets weekly for one hour per week in the first semester. The groups are led by trained leaders who are third-, fourth year and Master students who are there to help navigate life at Haxhi Zeka University.

All these information are published in Albanin in the following link

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